
So, being unselfish is hard!! I guess I was just always under the subconscious impression that I wasn't selfish, and I was all good.
Having children has really changed my perspective on that. I have a really hard time fore-going what I want to do in order to play with/be with/help my kids. Sometimes (all the times...) I get really "into" a project and then one of my kids will come up to me, needing something, and I have THE HARDEST time letting go of whatever unimportant thing it is that I am doing and give my children the attention, love, respect, help, etc. that they need. And a lot of times it's something really small that they need, I would be able to come back to my thing very quickly, but I just can't seem to think that through. My wants are always foremost in my mind. It's really hard to be unselfish and let others come first, even in situations when you think it would be easy. I always thought I'd have no trouble with paying attention to my kids, loving them, and giving them the "perfect" life, I mean, I love them more than anything! But it's so not simple! It's day in and day out serving, and I don't think I have ever learned the proper way to be unselfish. All the lessons in church and etc. growing up... in one ear and out the other....! I guess I was too involved in what I wanted to really listen to them. Hm...
I guess it's all a learning curve, Jason says everyone feels this way a lot, so not to think I'm too special. I had it easy before... when I wasn't aware of the fact that I was a stuck-up self-centered snob. :) Now that I'm trying to "be better" I'm finding a lot to fix, and it's hard! Keep on truckin', right? That's why I write this, the moral support is great!
Honestly, I'm really glad I am becoming aware of this (and more!) fault that I have... I think in horror of what my life would end up like if I were always the way I was.