Feeling Overwhelmed

This is where you all get to find out why I started this blog in the first place. I am currently reading "Leadership Education" by Oliver and Rachel DeMille, and I am feeling so incredibly overwhelmed. I put the book down about a week ago and have been consciously ignoring everything I learned from it since. With my Sanguine personality (Personality Plus by Florence Littaur) I want to do everything the book says TODAY!!! And, of course I don't even finish the first thing I set out to do... then I get lazy and don't try anything else. Well, by the end of the day I'm feeling pretty melancholy about the whole thing and am determined to start afresh the next day. And on goes the cycle... After a week or two of that I just quit. I felt so terrible when I realized what I was doing, but still haven't worked up the courage to start again.

So, I decided I needed an outside source to keep me going. I tried my husband, but I just don't listen to him in the right way. Don't get me wrong, he is a GREAT sounding board, but I don't feel the pressure I need to feel in order to actually improve. So I've been wanting to start a leadership blog for a long time now, and have a few times, but never followed through. So, here we go... this is it... I'm going to use this blogger as my tool to helping me become the person I want to be. Wish me Luck!